Aldous Huxley...
Yes, I just wrote the name of one of the foremost authors whose name doesn`t end in -akespeare or -oyce that rocks harder than a geological survey. This guy doesn`t have a fault. I mean, take for instance Brave New World. It's almost an annoyance to hear people talk about it now, seeing as how anyone who's ever heard of huxley simply knows this book, and this book only. I however, am smarter, better looking, and certainly more sexually experienced than most people, making my opinions far more valid, and I say to anyone who spouts off about how much they love Aldous to read more of his shit. Who are you people?
This occurance is far more prevalent than you might think. In any grade 12 English classroom there are at least 20 people who read ten pages of any "famous" and previously proclaimed "classic novel" and say.."WOW...I LovE It".
Why don`t these classrooms double as moron genocide facilities?
For instance, I was discussing Literature one day with a young woman from my English Class, and she claims openly to be "well read" and 'Well versed in literature", but upon my asking as to her favorite author, to my chagrin, she replied with the name that rings synonymous with some unshaven ass rubbing against my ears..Stephen King. I simply blocked her opinions out after that.
How does this man manage to become famous? I read Carrie ages ago, and though in my preteen years, Stephen King would have been mildly frightening, he now writes about basically anything. You want a book about Alien Ghosts that murder with axes? It`s probably in his extensive library of poorly planned, abysmally written, cookie cutter novels. The worst part is, a six year old with brain damage could read, comprehend, and write better than this moron.
So Don`t read Stephen King. Read something even mildly challenging. When you`re ready to be as amazing as anyone who's ever read a non-BNW novel by Huxley, read Huxley.
Just don`t proclaim Stephen King as a classic writer of the English language.
`Nsync sold more albums than Pink Floyd, does that mean anyone's going to give as much of a shit about them in thirty years? The answer is no.